Investigation of physical education teachers' and pre-service teachers' perceptions towards colleagues and students with special needs
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Physical Education Teacher, Teachers with disabilities, Pre-service Teacher, Attitude, inclusive educationAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to determine the perceptions of physical education teachers and pre-service teachers towards their colleagues and students with special needs through metaphors. An interview form was created as a data collection tool. In the interview form, they were asked to complete two sentences, the first sentence being "Students with special needs are like... in physical education lessons. Because..." and the second sentence "The physical education teacher with special needs is like..., because...". The research was planned with phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research designs. The participant group of the study consisted of 39 physical education teachers and 58 physical education teacher candidates, totaling 97 people. The qualitative data were analysed by content analysis method. As a result of the analysis of the first sentence, four categories were obtained: “Student alone due to disability", "Student who attracts attention/exemplary student", "Student who needs adaptations and support in the lesson", "Student who struggles". As a result of the analysis of the second sentence, the categories of ''Teacher who is normal/like everyone else'', “Inspiring/leading teacher", ''Successful/struggling teacher'" were obtained. As a result, it was found that the participants' perceptions of a student with special needs differed from their perceptions of a teacher with special needs. Accordingly, while the perception towards the teacher with special needs was more positive, the perception towards the students was more negative. In this direction, the inclusion of teachers and students with special needs in the general education system can contribute to the realisation of inclusive education by being role models with their exemplary lives.
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