The effect of the leadership behaviors of recreational sports school coaches on the sports commitment of young people

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Recreationel sports, commitment to sport, leadership in sport, sports schools


The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of the leadership behaviors of recreational sports school coaches on the sports commitment of young people. The sample of the research consists of a total of 177 individuals, 93 women and 84 men, who receive training in sports schools within the scope of recreational sports activities in Niğde and Istanbul provinces. Scanning and relational analysis methods were used as models within the scope of the research. A scale with three sections was used to collect research data. While the first part consists of demographic items, the second part consists of the questions of the "Leadership Scale for Sports". The third part includes the "Sports Commitment Scale". SPSS 24 program was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of demographic data, and multiple regression analyzes were used in relational analyses. As a result of the research, it was found that explanatory and rewarding behavior had a significant positive effect on the participants' commitment to sports (b=0.33, p<0.001). It was observed that educational and supportive behavior and democratic behavior did not have a statistically significant effect (p>0.001). Considering these results, it is recommended that recreational sports school coaches adopt explanatory and rewarding behavior in order to increase the sports commitment levels of young participants.


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How to Cite

Yigit, O., & Tastan, H. Şükrü. (2023). The effect of the leadership behaviors of recreational sports school coaches on the sports commitment of young people. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 661–674.