Examining the attitudes of combat athletes towards their sports
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Combat sports, attitude, athleteAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to investigate the attitudes of licensed athletes affiliated to Kickboxing and Muay Thai Federations towards their disciplines. A total of 497 athletes, 299 men and 198 women, participated in the study. The Attitude Scale Towards Competitive Sports and a personal information form prepared by the researcher were used to collect data within the scope of the research. The normality distributions of the data obtained were examined and it was determined that the distribution was close to normal. T-tests and Pearson correlation tests were used to investigate the relationship among the two concepts. Additionally, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was conducted using the AMOS 23 program to ensure the validity of the measurement instrument. In conclusion, significant differences were observed in the satisfaction and motivation sub-dimensions of the scale across variables, whereas no significant difference was found in the enjoyment sub-dimension. This findigs suggest that Muay Thai athletes have a more negative attitude compared to kickboxers.
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