Examination of the leisure time activities lesson from the static and dynamic perspectives according to the views of the teachers
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Classroom Teacher, Leisure Time, RecreationAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of the classroom teachers about the leisure time activities lesson and to determine their relations with various variables. The population of the research consists of 475 classroom teachers working in Tekirdağ. In order to determine the opinions of the teachers about the leisure time activities course, the “Opinion scale for the leisure time activities course” was used in the research. Descriptive statistics were obtained by categorizing the sample group according to the variables of gender, seniority, class size and the economic status of the school district. First of all, the scale used; As a result of factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the items were divided into two dimensions without changing them. According to these categories, the scores that the teachers got from the opinion scale for the leisure time activities lesson were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 package program. According to teachers' static free time activity, dynamic leisure activity and all scale sub-dimensions; It was determined that the variables of class size and the economic status of the school district differed significantly according to all sub-dimensions (p<0.05). It is seen that the most used activities in SCI courses are based on classroom activities and can be used for make-up or study purposes.
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