Examining the relationship between body image flexibility of ballroom dancers and folk dancers and appearance-related social media consciousness
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Body image flexibility, psychological flexibility, social mediaAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationship between body image flexibility of ballroom dancers and folk dancers and appearance-related social media consciousness in terms of various variables. In the study, the relational survey model, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was used. "Personal Information Form", "Body Image Flexibility Scale (BIBS)" and "Appearance-Related Social Media Consciousness Scale (ARSMBS)" were used as data collection tools. The research group consisted of a total of 200 dancers from Gazi University Paired Dance Sports Ensemble and Gazi University Folk Dance Ensembles. In the analysis of data; t-Test were used to determine the relationship between the variables, and Pearson Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between the scales. According to the results obtained from the research data, a moderate and significant relationship was found between the participants' body image flexibility and Appearance-Related Social Media Consciousness. Among the participants who constitute the study group of the research, the BIF of the folk actors was found to be higher than that of the hall dancers. A significant difference was found between the answers given by the participants to other variables and the BIF. It can be said that the fact that the participants use social media more frequently and for various purposes due to their social status and interactions in their environment influences the increase in ARSMC. A significant difference was found between the participants' other variables such as gender and the frequency of daily use of social media and ARSMC.
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