Examination of autonomy in Turkish sports federations from 2004 to 2024

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Independence, autonomy, sports federations


In Turkey, NSF are the only organizations responsible for the organization, management, and supervision of the sports branches. Therefore, it is great importance that SFs are structured and positioned correctly. At this point, the most correct form of structuring for NSFs is an autonomous structure completely free from political and economic pressures. In the research, it is aimed to evaluate the changes made in the relevant laws and regulations since 2004, within the framework of the basic requirements of autonomy in the international and national context. For this purpose, the document analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The elevant texts and articles since 2004 were examined and evaluated within the framework of the basic criteria of autonomy The data obtained was examined using the thematic compilation pattern, one of the descriptive analysis methods. According to the research findings, the autonomy NSFs has been weakened through the structure of the Arbitration Board, the removal of the authority to determine the criteria for presidential candidacy, the number of delegates that the GDS has in the General Assemblies of the Federation. As a result, it can be said that the autonomy of NSFs has been gradually weakened and they have become more dependent on politics.


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How to Cite

Parasiz, Özgün. (2023). Examination of autonomy in Turkish sports federations from 2004 to 2024. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 1074–1097. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10044098