The effect of 8-week submaximal strength training on accuracy rate of rifle shooting on the personnel of gendarmerie commando units

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Aerobic, Shooting, Accuracy, Gendarmerie, Commando, Strength


The aim of this study was to examine the effect of 8 weeks of submaximal strength training on the shooting accuracy of personnel serving in the Gendarmerie Commando Units. 80 participants volunteered for this study. Aerobic endurance was assessed using a 20-meter shuttle run test, while maximal strength tests (1RM) were obtained through the repetition method. The shooting test involved 3 unsupported shots from a prone position at a distance of 200 meters after a 1000-meter rifle run with equipment within 6 minutes. Strength parameters included squad, bench press, leg extension, lat pull down, leg curl, triceps push down, butterfly and seated chest press. The intensity of the strength training was set at 80-85% for the initial 4 weeks and 90% for the last 4 weeks. The protocol consisted of 3 sets of 6 repetitions with a rest period of 3 minutes. The experimental group followed the strength training protocol, while the control group engaged in the regular sports activities included in their daily training program. Following the eight weeks of training, the shooting test, 20-meter shuttle run test, and strength parameters including 1RMs were measured as the final assessments. Paired sample t-tests were used for within-group pre-test and post-test values, while independent sample t-tests were employed for between-group analyses. The shooting test results revealed that the experimental group achieved an average of 2.37±0.58 hits on target, whereas the control group achieved 1.47±0.71 hits. Consequently, it was observed that the applied strength training had a positive effect on 1RMs and shooting accuracy.


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How to Cite

Pamukcu, N., Sahin, F. N., & Erdoğan, M. (2024). The effect of 8-week submaximal strength training on accuracy rate of rifle shooting on the personnel of gendarmerie commando units. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(1), 139–150.

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