Examining the factors developing national bicycle policies in promoting bicycle use
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Cycling, recreation, sports, wellness, national cycling policyAbstract
Bicycle is accepted by global, national and local governments as an efficient and effective tool in achieving goals such as transportation, sports, healthy and active life, education, economy, climate, environment and sustainability. The aim of this research is to evaluate the factors that constitute national cycling policies in popularizing cycling, with the opinions of sports managers. In the research, qualitative research method was chosen and phenomenology approach was used. “Interview method” was chosen as the data collection method and “semi-structured interview form” was used. Participants were selected with the “criterion sampling” method, one of the “purposeful sampling” methods. In the research, interviews were conducted with 6 participants, and “descriptive analysis” and “content analysis” methods were used to analyze the data. In the findings of the research; Participants’ views on the factors that constitute national cycling policies in popularizing bicycle use were revealed. Themes related to these are; It is coded as a) education b) health c) environmental awareness d) organizational structures e) legal framework f) sports and recreation g) bicycle tourism h) cultural adaptation ı) economic budget j) purpose awareness k) transportation system. As a result, by evaluating the current situation of the bicycle in Turkey, its infrastructure and legal requirements, its multifaceted nature and its contribution to the management goals separately and as a whole, we have developed a framework that encourages, popularizes, participates and coordinates the use of bicycles, with short and long-term concrete targets. Attention was drawn to the need for a national cycling policy.
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