Evaluation of problems related to halal food access in international sports organizations

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Halal Food, Halal Food Access, , International Sports Organization


This study was conducted to evaluate the problems related to halal food access of national athletes, coaches, and other team members participating in international sports organizations. The sample group of the study consists of national athletes, coaches, and other national team members who participate in international sports organizations in Turkish National teams (n=130). Before the study, a personal information form consisting of six questions and a survey question regarding halal food access consisting of ten questions were prepared. Statistical analysis of the data obtained, frequency, percentage distributions, and chi-square significant relationships were examined. According to the study findings, (81%) of the participants are male, (19%) are female, (46%) are university graduates, (43%) national athletes, (15%) national team coaches, (10%) administrators and referees. According to the research; (90%) of the participants stated that they pay attention to halal food, (74%) that they could not easily consume food at international sports competitions, (% 89) of them stated that not having halal food negatively affected their performance and (70%) of them stated that they could not achieve the desired success due to difficult access to halal food. A significant relationship was found in the chi-square test between the situation in which the performance of athletes was negatively affected due to the lack of halal food in sports organizations held abroad and the fact that it was effective in not achieving the desired sports success. As a result; it is understood that the participants have difficulty accessing halal food from international sports organizations. For participants with halal food sensitivity, international sports committees and sports federations should make preparations for easy access to the necessary halal food. This study aims to raise awareness to prepare environments that can meet the food needs of the participants in sports organizations on their religion and culture.


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How to Cite

Soyguden, A., & Yetim, H. (2024). Evaluation of problems related to halal food access in international sports organizations . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(2), 309–322. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12600166