A review on the economic and financial provisions of the new sports law
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Sports law, finance, budget, sports economyAbstract
The "Sports clubs and sports federations law", which was accepted in the parliament on April 22, 2022 and entered into force after being published in the official gazette on April 26, is a law that creates radical and important changes in sports. Discussions that started when the law was being discussed in the parliament continued after the law entered into force. In particular, the articles related to the economic and financial obligations concerning the clubs are capable of causing significant changes for the sports economy. In our study, the parts of the new sports law related to sports economy were compared with the old practices, possible problems that could arise from a critical point of view were examined and solution proposals were tried to be created. It is thought that this study, which examines the economic and financial provisions of the law, will guide the actors in the sports world.
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