Social identity approach to leadership in sport

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Group dynamics, identity leadership, social identity


Purposes of the research is to examine the effects of identity leadership on the social identity shared by team members in sports teams. A total of 336 athletes, including 182 men and 154 women, who were licensed, who were engaged in team sports in Çanakkale, participated in the research. Athletes responded to Social Identity Scale for Sport and Identity Leadership Inventory. In the study, the data were distributed normally. In the pre-analysis phase, independent sample t test and one-way analysis of variance were applied. Pearson correlation analysis and simple linear regression analysis were used. For post-hoc analysis, the Games-Howell test was administered with Bonferroni correction. In the study, the social identities of the athletes and the identity leadership behaviors of their coaches were found to be positively related. The identity leadership behaviors of the coaches positively affected the social identities of the athletes. The one-unit increase in the identity leadership behaviors of the coaches increased the social identities of the athletes by 0.55 units. The role of identity leadership in the social identity shared by the group members and the effectiveness of the social identity approach to leadership in the context of sports were supported.


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How to Cite

Uluc, E. A., & Yurtdas, Şenay Şule. (2023). Social identity approach to leadership in sport. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 4(3), 981–995.