The role of physical activity attitudes and behaviors and personal characteristics in digital game addiction
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Digital game addiction, physical activity, personal traitsAbstract
The accessibility and popularity of digital games are increasing day by day. Although digital games are generally seen as entertainment and leisure activities, potential negative consequences such as addiction should be evaluated from different perspectives. This study aims to determine the role of the Z generation's personal characteristics and physical activity attitudes and behaviors on digital game addiction. The relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the research. The data were obtained from a total of 257 secondary school students selected by convenience sampling method. Descriptive statistics, explanatory factor analysis, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical regression analyses were used in data analysis. The hierarchical regression models for predicting digital game addiction were found to be statistically significant. When the two different models were examined, it was determined that age and digital game playing time explained 25% of the total variance in the first model, and age, digital game playing time, outcome expectations and personal barriers in the second model explained 34% of the total variance of digital game addiction. In conclusion, the age and duration of playing digital games are practical factors in digital game addiction. In addition, the development of positive attitudes and behaviors towards physical activity is important in reducing the digital game addiction of individuals (or preventing addiction).
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