“Is the coach a support or a hindrance?” An observation study on the neglect and abuse behaviors of wrestling coaches towards their athletes during the competition

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neglect and abuse, athlete health, coach behavior, emotional abuse


The purpose of this study was to investigate the neglect and abuse behaviors of wrestling coaches toward their athletes during competition. A total of 610 coaches' performance observations were conducted during 305 competitions in the School Sport Turkey Championship of Young Men's Category A, Young Men's Category B, and Group Championship of Stars Category. A total of 39 coaches from 14 cities participated in the championship. To record neglect and abuse, an observation form was prepared before the competitions and used by two researchers during the competitions. The form recorded water towel neglect, general neglect, emotional abuse, and physical abuse observed during the competition. Statistical analyzes calculated the percentage distributions for each parameter and the percentages by competition category. In the younger age category, neglect was observed 66.2%, emotional abuse 8.5%, and physical abuse 2.5%. Among young men in category B, neglect was observed in 54%, emotional maltreatment in 13%, and physical maltreatment in 2%. In category A, young men exhibited neglect at 63.5%, emotional maltreatment at 13.5%, and physical maltreatment at 2.1%. Consequently, regardless of age-related categories, coaches showed high levels of neglect, used words associated with emotional abuse, and showed low levels of physical abuse during competitions.


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How to Cite

Toy, A. B., Onal, Y., Alnidelik, Y., Demirli, A., & Moghanlou, A. E. (2023). “Is the coach a support or a hindrance?” An observation study on the neglect and abuse behaviors of wrestling coaches towards their athletes during the competition. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 68–87. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10014324