The effect of the video evaluation system used by the top leagues of the Turkish Volleyball Federation on the decision-making of referees

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Video evaluation system, referee, decision making, sports and technology


Volleyball, one of the team sports, has become a sport that keeps up with technology while strengthening its place in the international and national arenas day by day. The technology used in team sports can have both positive and negative effects on the decision-making processes of referees during the competition. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to examine the effect of the video evaluation system used in the upper leagues of the Turkish Volleyball Federation on the decision-making processes of referees. In line with this determined purpose, the universe of this research, which was conducted using a semi-structured interview form, consists of a total of 21 referees in the A and AB classes working in the upper leagues of the Turkish Volleyball Federation. The sample group of the research consists of a total of 21 referees, both national and international, who voluntarily participated in the research. In this research conducted with volleyball referees in the A and AB classes, it was determined that the video evaluation system allows the objective management of volleyball competitions. However, the fact that this system was not available in some matches or caused changes in referee decisions did not negatively affect the decisions of the referees participating in the study, and the referees stated that some additions should be made to this system, especially in terms of increasing the image resolution, in order to minimize the disruptions experienced in the video evaluation system during matches.


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How to Cite

Altintas, N., & Duman , S. (2024). The effect of the video evaluation system used by the top leagues of the Turkish Volleyball Federation on the decision-making of referees. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(3), 424–445.