Examination of social appearance anxiety of faculty of sports sciences students
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Student, social appearance anxiety, sport sciencesiAbstract
This study was conducted to examine students' social appearance anxiety. The sample of the research consists of 259 students studying at the Faculty of Sports Sciences. The data obtained in the research were collected through the "Social Appearance Anxiety Scale". For independent groups, t test and ANOVA were applied, and from post hoc tests, Tukey was applied. A significant difference was found in the social appearance anxiety levels of the students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences according to their class level, department, income level and where they spend most of their lives (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in the social appearance anxiety levels of sports sciences faculty students according to gender (p>0.05). As a result, it was determined that the social appearance anxiety of sports science students was generally at a medium level. It has been determined that the gender variable does not affect the social appearance concerns of the students, but it affects the social appearance concerns according to the class level, department, income level and the place where they spend most of their lives. It is recommended to conduct research on larger groups by including students from different universities and departments.
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