Examination of the psychological resilience of football players
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Football, psychology, resilienceAbstract
The aim of this study, while aiming to understand better and develop the psychological resilience of football players, is to investigate whether there is a differentiation in the psychological resilience of football players according to the variable of the sports year, age, position played, and injury status. The study's sample group consists of 196 players playing amateur football in Samsun. The Psychological Resilience Scale for Adults used as data collection tool. ANOVA was used in the analysis of the data, and Tukey's multiple comparison test was used to determine the direction of the difference in cases where there was a difference. When psychological resilience is compared according to age, 22-25 years of age and those aged 26 and over have higher scores than those aged 18-21 in the perception of the future sub-dimension. When psychological resilience is compared according to sports year, those who play football for 1-10 years have higher scores than those who play football for 11-15 years and 15 years and above in the perception of the future and family harmony sub-dimension (p<0.001). When psychological resilience was compared according to the injury status, it was determined that those who did not have a disability had higher scores in the structural style and perception of the future sub-dimension than those who had 1-6 months of disability and those who had 1-6 months of disability than those who had more than six months of disability (p<0.001). When psychological resilience is compared according to positions, defensive players have higher scores than midfielders and strikers in the sub-dimension of structural style, perception of the future, and social resources (p<0.001). As a result, understanding the importance of psychological resilience in footballers will help to train more successful football players both at individual and team levels and to increase their performance.
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