The effect of moral disengagement in sports on sportsmanship behavior in boxers

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Immorality, boxin, sportsmanship


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of distancing from morality in sport on the sporting behavior of boxers with regard to some socio-demographic characteristics. A relational survey model with descriptive properties was used for the study. The study sample consisted of 263 individuals randomly selected from active boxers. The Moral Distancing in Sport Scale and the Sporting Behavior Scale were used as data collection instruments. The study used the t-test to determine if scores differed by gender, scale total, and national athlete status, and the one-factorial analysis of variance and Tukey multiple comparison test were used to determine if they differed by income level, education level, and age of the athlete. The magnitude and direction of the relationship between participants’ age, level of moral disengagement in sport, and sport behavior were determined using the Pearson correlation coefficient, and the equation of the relationship was determined by regression analysis. It was found that male boxers distanced themselves more from morality than female boxers and that female boxers exhibited more athletic behavior. However, it was found that middle-income athletes exhibited more athletic behavior than high-income athletes. It was also found that boxers aged 1-3 years exhibited more athletic behavior than athletes aged 10 years and older.


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How to Cite

Kusan, M., Yilmaz, S., & Cankaya, S. (2024). The effect of moral disengagement in sports on sportsmanship behavior in boxers . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(1), 125–138.

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