Problems and facilitators in the participation of students with autism spectrum disorder in physical education and sports lessons
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Physical Education, Class Participation, Autism Spectrum Disorder, SportAbstract
In this study, the aim is to examine the challenges faced by students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in their participation in Physical Education and Sports classes and to investigate facilitators. The participant group of the research consists of 10 individuals, including 2 mother, 2 academicians, 2 physical education teachers, and 4 special education teachers. The research was designed using a qualitative research method, and the focus group interview technique was employed. As a data collection tool, a three-item semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers was used. The data were collected through two focus group interviews conducted via Zoom, a they were analyzed using the content analysis method. The research has resulted in five themes: "Benefits of Physical Education and Sports," "Expert Physical Education Teachers," "Education System and Inclusive Policies," "School-Family-Sports Clubs Collaboration," and "Physical Facilities and Teaching Materials." In conclusion, the research indicates that students with Autism Spectrum Disorder face challenges in attending Physical Education and Sports classes, despite the importance of these classes in acquiring motor and social skills. It is evident that there is a need to develop inclusive ways to increase and encourage the participation of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Physical Education and Sports classes.
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