Assessing the environment of athletic talent development: A study of young male football players in academy leagues

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Athletic environment, sport talent development, Talent Development, young male football players


This study examines talent development to determine the factors that influence the development of young male soccer players. The study involved 225 male soccer players playing in the academy leagues of the Turkish Soccer Association. The data was collected using a demographic questionnaire and the “Sporting Talent Development Environment Scale” translated into Turkish. Statistical analyzes using SPSS 22 confirmed the reliability of the data collected and its suitability for parametric tests. The results showed that there were no significant differences in talent development depending on educational level, with the exception of holistic quality preparation, where a significant difference was found. In addition, the correlations between age and the subscales of the scale revealed negative correlations with holistic quality preparation, planning expectations and supportive environment. These results are promising for the development of more effective and informed talent development strategies in sport and contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the development of athletic ability in young male soccer players.


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How to Cite

Bayindir, M., & Kolayis, H. (2024). Assessing the environment of athletic talent development: A study of young male football players in academy leagues. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(1), 64–72.