Effect of teakwondo training on self-control, quality of life and self-defense levels in sedentary women

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Self-control, quality of life, self-defence


In the existing literature, comparisons of physiological and performance data have been made in general with regard to taekwondo training applied to women. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of taekwondo training on self-control, quality of life and self-defense capabilities in sedentary women. The study was conducted using the pre-test–post-test control group model, which is one of the experimental designs from quantitative research approaches and real experimental models. A total of 40 women were included in the study, comprising the exercise group (EG) and the control group (CG).  No application was made to the control group. The study programme involved the participants engaging in Taekwondo kyorugi (basic and combined stances) exercises for a period of six weeks, three days a week, with each session lasting 60 minutes. The study employed a personal information form comprising seven questions, a quality of life scale, a multidimensional brief self-control scale and, finally, a physical self-defense scale for women. The data obtained from the study were analysed using the SPSS 21.0 statistical package programme. The sedentary women who participated in the study demonstrated increases in the sub-dimensions of all scales in the training group. Additionally, significant differences were observed in the quality of life sub-dimensions, the initiation sub-dimension of the multidimensional brief self-control scale, and the dangerous physical attack sub-dimensions of the physical self-defense scale for women. In the control group, significant decreases were observed in the mental health sub-dimension of the quality of life scale, as well as in both sub-dimensions of the multidimensional brief self-control scale and in the simple physical assault sub-dimensions of the physical self-defense scale for women. The findings indicated that six weeks of taekwondo training had a positive impact on the self-control, quality of life and self-defense capabilities of sedentary women.


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How to Cite

Yilmaz, C., Erail, S., Budak, C., & Demiroglu, T. (2024). Effect of teakwondo training on self-control, quality of life and self-defense levels in sedentary women. Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(3), 508–520. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13908026