The effect of volleyball referees’ empathy levels on work engagement

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Volleyball, referee, empathy, work, engagement


The purpose of this research is to examine whether there is a significant relationship between volleyball referees' empathy levels and job dedication. The method of the research was determined based on the relational screening model, one of the quantitative research methods. The sample group of the research consists of 156 female and 65 male volleyball referees actively working in the Central Anatolia region. In the study, the "Empathy Level Determination Scale" and the "Work Engagement Scale" were used to determine the empathy levels and job dedication levels of volleyball referees. As a result of the findings, while no significant difference was detected in the study regarding the empathy level and gender variable (p>0.05), it was determined that the level of work dedication differed significantly in favor of female volleyball referees (p<0.05). As a result of the Pearson Correlation analysis applied in the study, a positive and moderate relationship was detected (p <0.01). Considering the regression analysis results regarding the prediction of work engagement, it was seen that a statistically significant effect was determined in the relationship between empathy level and work engagement (β1=0.35; p<0.05). After all, in addition to the positive significant relationship between the variables in the study, it can be said that female volleyball referees, whose job dedication level was found to be higher compared to the gender variable, also played a decisive role in increasing their empathy levels. Thus, it is thought that female volleyball referees can perform more adequately and effectively than men in match management.


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How to Cite

Kula, H., Gungor, N. B., & Soyer, F. (2024). The effect of volleyball referees’ empathy levels on work engagement . Journal of ROL Sport Sciences, 5(3), 487–507.